
2011 World Politics question #9

According to various news outlets, and the United Nations, the 7 billionth person on the earth at the present time was born today. Is this a security issue? Discuss. Be clear what you mean by "security" in your answer.


2011 World Politics question #8

Since I didn't remember to get this one posted yesterday, you have until class on Thursday to post a response if you so choose.

This week's question concerns this report (http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21228354.500-revealed--the-capitalist-network-that-runs-the-world.html) on a new study about the concentration of financial and market power in the world. Presuming that the report is accurate, is this kind of concentration a problem for world politics? Is it a problem for some states and not for others? Discuss. Reference IR theories as appropriate and as they generate insights.


2011 World Politics question #7

Supposing that #ows wins (for some definition of "winning" that you need to specify in your answer). How is the world different?


2011 World Politics question #6

Today in class we considered the question of what the US should do if faced with the sudden appearance of a spacecraft of unknown origin in Earth orbit. For the blog question this week, I'd like you to consider instead what the US -- and other countries, if you so choose -- would do in such circumstances. Use the IR theories we have been discussing to make the most plausible conjecture you can.